Parallel sessions D | Saturday 12 Sept 2015 14:45 - 16:45
C7 Content
Room 1201
How can English language textbooks contribute to the development of intercultural competence?
Ragnhild Lund
Historical and interculural. The presence of Islam in textbooks
João Bertolini
An influence of new media on the English language teaching process in Polish secondary education
Adam Krzyk
The national minorities and the grand narrative of Sweden
Jörgen Mattlar
U6 Use of Educational Media
Room 1503
Middle School Students Experiences of Using Electronic Textbooks in Mathematics
Bruce A. Knight, Maria Casey, John Dekkers, Rosie Thrupp
Future teachers and their reflections of learning materials focused on multicultural/intercultiral education
Martina Rozsypalová
The Use of the Internet in Education
Matyjas Bozena
The Results of Using ICT in Teaching Mathematics in the First Grade
Emmanouil Skordialos
C8 Content
Room 1504
Analysis of selected didactic materials for the subject of Art Education in primary school
Miloš Makovskÿ, Zuzana Blazková, Petr Zoufalÿ
Teaching the mother tongue: Reflection and rescue of moral values in our learners with micro-projects in the field of phraseodidactics
Suzete Silva
The presence of legal sources in History textbooks
Anne Cacielle da Silva, Tânia Braga Garcia
The social and political conflict in Colombia in school textbooks of Social Science secondary and basic education average: Historical narrative and representation and historical representation (1999-2011)
Miguel Ángel Gómez Mendoza, Luisa Fernanda Duque Gómez, María Victoria Alzate Piedrahita
S1 Selection & Evaluation of Educational Media
Room 1505
Textbook evaluation: A content analysis of selected Social Studies textbooks at stage four (4) level in Zimbabwean primary schools
Gabriel Kapfidze, Simeon Maile
History textbooks evaluation by high-school students
Edilson Aparecido Chaves
Analysis of the process of choice of Physics textbooks: The influence of the labor conditions
Alisson Antonio Martins, Nilson Marcos Dias Garcia
Goal directed teaching and visible learning
Marie Slot
OGA3 Overviews & General Aspects
Room 1506
'In the lion's mouth': The challenges of writing art and music textbooks for Brazilian schools
Guilherme Gabriel Ballande Romanelli, Consuelo Acioni Borba Duarte Schlichta
Islamic art as educational text
Geir Winje
What you don't know will hurt you: A rhetoric of post-humanitarism in Operasjon Dagverk's educational material
Ylva Frøjd
The textbook acording to Apple's view: An essay
Tamara Cardoso Andre