Parallel sessions A | Friday 11 Sept 2015 13:00 - 15:00
C1 Content
Room: 1201
Global economic contexts in business administration textbooks
Michael Thoma
Can Positive Discourse Analysis (PDA) contribute to a methodology for analysis of representations of 'The Global Other' in textbooks?
Norunn Askeland
A textbook analysis using the Praxeological Reference Model on the case of Geometry proportion
Dyana Wjayanti
Introducing index lists as a tool for identifying typical linguistic features of specialized registers, with examples from Swedish textbooks in Natural Sciences
Judy Ribeck
CRL1 Community Resources & Libraries
Room: 1604
Praise of place: Industrial heritage sites as educational rhetoric
Iben Brinch Jørgensen
The history of textbook in the library fund of INDIRE
Alessandra Anichini
The use of community resources for early inclusion of children in school and society
Montserrat Castro
Description of the actions by municipalities in the process of elaborating their educational media
Carmen Denébola Álvarez Seoane, Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez
U1 Use of Educational Media
Room: 1503
Literacy in Norwegian schools - Our experiences from secondary and upper secondary school
Anne-Beathe Mortensen-Buan, Bente Aamotsbakken
How to introduce new reading digital formats in primary school
Arianna Morini
Reading in early grades textbooks in Morocco
Abdellah Chekayri
Textbooks and the teaching and learning of Arabic literacy
Andy Smart
C2 Content
Room: 1504
Websites for textbooks - Companions or competitors?
Ommund C. Vareberg
A multimodal invitation
Christoffer Dahl
Nicaraguan picture books as learning material
Eva Maagerø, Nahúm Torrez
A social-semiotic visual analysis of Albania's communist and post-communist national history textbook covers
Denis Vuka
HETT1 Higher Education & Teacher Training
Room: 1505
Learning resources and MOOCs - What is being constructed and why?
Rene Christiansen
'Textbook pedagogy' will enhance the relevance of teacher education
Christiaan Visser
U2 Use of Educational Media
Room: 1506
The influence of adaptive digital learning systems on learning
Hendrianne Wilkens
Digital learning materials and patterns of teaching
Thomas Illum Hansen
Developing a methodology to analyse the role that teaching and learning materials play in student learning and achievement
Zuzana Sikorová, Mike Horsley, Iva Cervenkova
Better understanding the way teachers select, modify and exchange educational resources. Overview of the ReVEA project
Eric Bruillard