Dr. María Piquer-Rodríguez
Post-doctoral researcher
About me
I am very interested in studing the future of natural habitats and how we, humans, transform them by means of our intensified activies. More specifically I am interested in modelling future land use changes and the effects on the connectivity of natural habitats under different scenarios.
- Doctoral research project: "Future land use in the South American Chaco and its effects on biodiversity"
- Postdoctoral research project: "PASANOA -Pathways to sustainable land management in Northern Argentina"
Curriculum Vitae
2017-2018 | Post-doctoral Researcher at the Biogeography Lab, HU. Berlin, Germany | |
2012 - 2017 |
Doctoral Researcher at the Biogeography Lab, HU. Berlin, Germany | |
July-Aug 2015 | Research stay Stanford University and UC-Berkeley. California. US. (DAAD fellowship 57044996) | |
2010 - 2012 |
Research Assisstant at the Geomatics Lab, HU. Berlin, Gemany |
2008 - 2010 |
GIS Analyst at the Urban Research Centre, Univ. Western Sydney. Australia |
2004 - 2006 |
Msc. Geo-Information, Wageningen University, The Netherlands |
2003 - 2004 |
Research grant. Dept. Plant biology and ecology. Univ. Almeria, Spain | |
2001 |
Erasmus student, Univ. Glasgow. Scotland |
1998 - 2003 | Bsc. Environmental Sciences. Univ. Almeria, Spain |
Selected Publications
Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., Gärtner, P., Macchi, L., Baumann, M., Gavier Pizarro, G., Volante, J.N., Gasparri, I.N., Kuemmerle, T., 2018. Drivers of agricultural land-use change in the Argentine Pampas and Chaco regions. Applied Geography 91, 111-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2018.01.004
Nolte, C., Gobbi, B., Le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., Lambin, E.F. Challenges in attributing avoided deforestation to policies and actors: lessons from provincial forest zoning in the Argentine Dry Chaco. Ecological Economics (in press).
Piquer-Rodríguez, M. (2017). Effects of policies and zoning on future land use in Argentina. Dr. Rer. Nat.(doctoral dissertation), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät.
Fehlenberg, V., Baumann, M., Gasparri, N.I., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Gavier Pizarro, G., Kuemmerle, T., (in press). The role of soybean expansion as underlying driver of deforestation in the South American Chaco. Global Environmental Change.
Baumann, M., Israel, C., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Gavier Pizarro, G., Volante, J.N., Kuemmerle, T., (2017). Deforestation and cattle expansion in the Paraguayan Chaco 1987-2012. Regional Environmental Change. DOI:10.1007/s10113-017-1109-5
Kuemmerle, T., Altrichter, M., Baldi, G., Cabido, M., Camino, M., Cuellar, E., Cuellar, R.L., Decarre, J., Díaz, S., Gasparri, I., Gavier-Pizarro, G., Ginzburg, R., Giordano, A.J., Grau, H.R., Jobbágy, E., Leynaud, G., Macchi, L., Mastrangelo, M., Matteucci, S.D., Noss, A., Paruelo, J., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Romero-Muñoz, A., Semper-Pascual, A., Thompson, J., Torrella, S., Torres, R., Volante, J.N., Yanosky, A., Zak, M., 2017. Forest conservation: Remember Gran Chaco. Science 355, 465-465.
Nolte, C., Gobbi, B., Le Polain de Waroux, Y., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Butsic, V., Lambin, E.F., 2017. Decentralized land use zoning reduces large-scale deforestation in a major agricultural frontier. Ecological Economics 136, 30-40.
Baumann, M.; Piquer-Rodríguez, M.; Fehlenberg, V.; Gavier Pizarro, G.; Kuemmerle, T. 2016. Land-use competition in the South-American Chaco. In: Niewhöner, J. (et al) (eds): Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economics and Social Perspectives. pp-215-229. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-33628-2_13
Baumann, M., Gasparri, I., Piquer-Rodríguez, M., Gavier Pizarro, G., Griffiths, P., Hostert, P. and Kuemmerle, T. (2016), Carbon emissions from agricultural expansion and intensification in the Chaco. Glob Change Biol. doi:10.1111/gcb.13521
Piquer-Rodríguez, M. et al. Effects of past and future land conversions on forest connectivity in the Argentine Chaco. Landscape Ecology 2015 (DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0147-3). Link to poster at the IBS conference 2015.
Bragina EV, Ives AR, Pidgeon AM, Kuemmerle T, Baskin LM, Gubar YP, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Keuler NS, Petrosyan VG, Radeloff VC (2015) Rapid declines of large mammal populations after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Conservation Biology 29, 844–853. Featured in Science, BBC news and ConservationBytes.
2014: Gavier Pizarro, G; Calamari, N; Piquer-Rodríguez, M; Kuemmerle, T. 2014. Scenario analysis applied to landscape planning (El método de construcción de escenarios aplicado al ordenamiento territorial). In: Paruelo JM, Jobbágy EG, Laterra P, Dieguez H, García Collazo, MA y Panizza, A (eds): Landscape Planning: Conceps, Methods and experiences.(Ordenamiento Territorial: Conceptos, Metodologías y Experiencias). FAO / MAG/ UBA 2014, pp. 217-240.ISBN 978-92-5-308619-1
2012: Piquer-Rodríguez, M. et al. Future land use effects on the connectivity of protected area networks in Southeastern Spain. Journal for Nature Conservation (20) 2012: 326-336.