Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Biogeography

Dr. Elizabeth Law






Personal website


Office location



Postal address


Postdoctoral researcher





Rudower Chaussee 16, Room 2'202

+49 (0)30 2093-6874

+49 (0)30 2093-6848

Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany


About me

I'm excited to be joining HU, after completing my PhD at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED), at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Actually, I'll be jointly working with HU and CEED during my postdoc, so the best of both worlds!

I have a dream in which land-use plans work for all involved, but in particular for biodiversity conservation. I pioneer novel methods that provide a more comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the environmental, economic, and social trade-­offs evident in existing environmental policies, and in alternative future policy avenues. Combining recent developments in multi­criteria optimization, causal inference, conservation science, behavioural economics, and ethics, these methods better characterise policy­-relevant trade­-offs for multiple stakeholders, and result in pragmatic, evidence-­based information for decision­-making at local to national scales. I'm lucky to be working in a variety of case study locations, from Australia, to Indonesia, Argentina, and Canada. More about my work can be found on my personal website: workingconservation.wordpress.com

For play, I like getting out to nature. After all, that's what we're motivated for! Rock climbing, skiing, trail running, hiking, tour- and mountain biking are my mainstays, but I'll give anything a go.


Curriculum Vitae

since 2017   Postdoctoral researcher, Geography Department, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany & ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

2010 - 2015


PhD, School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia



Masters of Natural Resource Economics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia



BSc (Hons I), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia



Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals


  • Law EA, Bryan BA, MeijaardE, Mallawaarachchi T, Struebig MJ, Watts M, Wilson KA (2016) Mixed policies give more options in multifunctional tropical forest landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12666
  • Wilson KA, Law EA (2016) How to avoid underselling biodiversity with ecosystem services. Trends in Ecology and the Environment, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2016.03.002
  • Law EA (2016) Is international conservation aid enough? Environmental Research Letters 11 021001. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/11/2/021001 
  • Bryan, B.A., Runting, R., Capon, T., Cunningham, S., Perring, M.P., Kragt, M., Nolan, M., Law, E.A., Renwick, A., Eber, S., Christian, R., Wilson, K.A. (2016) Designer policy for carbon and biodiversity co-benefits under global change. Nature Climate Change 6, 301–305 doi:10.1038/nclimate2874.


  • Evans, Megan C., Tulloch, Ayesha I.T., Law, Elizabeth A., Raiter, Keren G., Possingham, Hugh P. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2015) Clear consideration of costs, condition and conservation benefits yields better planning outcomes. Biological Conservation, 191 716727. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.08.023

  • Law EA, and Wilson KA. (2015). Providing context for the land-sharing and land-sparing debate. Conservation Letters 8(6): 404-413DOI: 10.1111/conl.12168

  • Law EA, Meijaard E, Bryan BA, Mallawarachchi T, Koh LP, Wilson KA. (2015). Better land-use allocation outperforms land sparing and land sharing approaches to conservation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biological Conservation. 186: 276-286. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.03.004

  • Law EA, Bryan BA, Torabi N, Bekessy SA, McAlpine CA, Wilson KA (2015). Measurement matters in managing landscape carbon. Ecosystem Services. 13, 6-15. DOI. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.07.007

  • Law EA, Bryan BA, Meijaard E, Mallawarachchi T, Struebig M, Wilson KA (2015) Ecosystem services from a degraded peatland of Central Kalimantan: implications for policy, planning, and management. Ecological Applications. 25, 70-87

  • Martinez Harms MJ, Bryan BA, Balvanera P, Law EA, Rhodes J, Possingham HP, Wilson KA. (2015) Making decisions for managing ecosystem services. Biological Conservation 184: 229–238. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.01.024.


  • Bryan BA, Nolan M, Harwood TD, Connor JD, Navarro-Garcia J, King D, Summers DM, Newth D, Cai Y, Grigg N, Harman I, Crossman ND, Grundy MJ, Finnigan JJ, Ferrier S, Williams KJ, Wilson KA, Law EA, Hatfield-Dodds S. (2014). Supply of carbon sequestration and biodiversity services from Australia’s agricultural land under global change. Global Environmental Change, 28.166-181. DOI. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.06.013

  • Bull JW, Gordon A, Law EA, Suttle KB, Milner-Gulland EJ (2014). Importance of baseline specification in evaluating conservation interventions and achieving no net loss of biodiversity. Conservation Biology, 28(3), 799-809

  • Martin LJ, Quinn JE, Ellis EC, Shaw MR, Dorning MA, Hallett LM, Heller NE, Hobbs RJ, Kraft CE, Law EA, Michel NL, Perring MP, Shirey PD, Wiederholt R. (2014). Biodiversity conservation opportunities across the world’s anthromes. Diversity and Distributions, 20. 745–755


  • Law EA, Thomas S, Meijaard E, Dargusch PJ, Wilson KA (2012). A modular framework for the management of complexity in international forest-carbon policy. Nature Climate Change 2, 155-160


  • Law EA, Meijaard E, Wilson KA (2010). A reckoning for reckoning. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26(3), 105-6