Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Applied Geography and Spatial Planning

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Geography Department | Applied Geography and Spatial Planning | Research | MiPoStaR - Migrant Economies as a Potential for Urban and Regional Development

MiPoStaR - Migrant Economies as a Potential for Urban and Regional Development



The project “Migrant economies as a potential for urban and regional development” (funded by the “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft” (DFG): started in February 2014 for a 2.5 year period) deals with the relationship between migrant economies and spatial development processes.

The potentials of migrant economies – e.g. creation of jobs, social cohesion of neighbourhoods and positive influence on cities’ and regions’ economic growth – are still largely absent in spatial development concepts and strategies. This applies in particular to non-metropolitan regions. MiPoStaR examines the role of and ideas on how to ‘valorise’ migrant economies in local development strategies, taking two peripheral regions as an example. Next to the local government’s handling of migrant entrepreneurs, the mutual perception of local authority representatives and trade associations on the one hand and stakeholders from the migrant economies on the other hand shall be analysed.


The research project aims at:

  • establishing options and limits of including migrant economies in local and regional development strategies,
  • highlighting strengths and weaknesses of local and regional governance patterns concerning the support of migrant entrepreneurs,
  • developing general recommendations on how to address migrant-dominated economies more successfully in spatial development processes.

The project addresses a twofold research gap: Firstly, the local and regional dimensions of migrant economies and, secondly, the importance of migrant entrepreneurs beyond major migrant destinations.

Along with the predominant understanding in research, MiPoStaR defines ‘migrant economies’ as the self-employment of people with a ‘migration background’, including their successor generation. Additionally, the term encompasses dependent employment arrangements in businesses run by a person with a ‘migration background’ (cf. Schuleri-Hartje et al 2005).


For further information concerning the project please contact Charlotte Räuchle, M.A.: charlotte.raeuchle@geo.hu-berlin.de