winter term 2014/2015: invited guest lecture „Planning for Diversity OR the Branding of Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Berlin“ as part of the MA-lecture „Multicultural Cities and Planning Policies“, School of Urban & Regional Planning, Ryerson University, April 1
winter term 2014/2015: invited guest lecture „Toronto’s neighbourhoods: Ethnic neighbourhoods“ , as part of the BA-lecture „Geography of Toronto“, Department of Geography & Environmental Sciences, Ryerson University, January 26
winter term 2013/2014: Lecture and seminar "Verdichtungsräume" (MA, 4 h) (in cooperation with F. Beran)
winter term 2013/2014: "Arbeitsmarkt für GeographInnen - Geographie in der Praxis" (in cooperation with F. Beran)
winter term 2013/2014: "Praxiswerkstatt Geographie" (in cooperation with F. Beran)
winter term 2012/2013: Project seminar "Stadtplanung kosmopolitisch?" (BA, 4 h)
winter term 2011/2012: Project seminar "MigrantInnenökonomien" (BA, 4 h)
summer term 2011: Seminar "Migration und Stadt - Theorie und Handlungspraxis" (BA, 2 h)
winter term 2010/11: Seminar "Jenseits der Suburbanisierung" (BA, 2 h)
winter term 2008/09: : "Transnationale Migration - Fallstudien zu neuen Formen der Arbeitsmarktintegration", (MA, 2 h) (in cooperation with Katharina Goethe)
winter term 2001/02: tutorial on cartography, Universität Bremen (D, 2 h)