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CV Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider
CV Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider
- since 08/2021: Vice-President Research of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 04/2020-06/2021: Section Editor for Meteorologische Zeitschrift (member of the Editorial Board)
- 01/2019-10/2021: Scientific Editor for Journal of Glaciology (member of the Editoral Board)
- 09/2018-09/2024: Member of Advisory Board, Leibniz-Institute on Frehswater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
- 10/2017-03/2020: Executive Director of the Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 06/2017-09/2017: Academic Director of the Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 07/2016-05/2021: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Cryospheric Sciences
- 05/2016-04/2024: member in "Fachkollegium Physische Geographie (317-01) der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft" (review board physical geography of the German Research Foundation)
- since 10/2015: Professor for Climate Geography, Department of Geography, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, currently on leave until 07/2026
- 10/2010-10/2014: Academic dean of the Faculty for Georesources and Materials Engineering of RWTH Aachen University
- 10/2009-10/2011: Speaker of the "Arbeitskreis Klima der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie" (working group climate of the German Society for Geography, before that deputy speaker for two years)
- 07/2009-10/2011: Managing director of Department of Geography - RWTH Aachen University
- 10/2008-10/2011: Deputy speaker of Division of Earth Sciences and Geography of RWTH Aachen University
- 09/2004-09/2015: Professor for Physical Geography and Climatology, Department of Geography - RWTH Aachen University
- 03/2004-08/2004: Substitute of the chair for Physical Geography at Institut für Physische Geographie (IPG), Freiburg University
- 02/2004: Habilitation for the subject geography at the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Freiburg University
- 01/1999-03/2004: Research Follow (PostDoc) at Institut für Physische Geographie (IPG), Freiburg University, student advisor for geography
- 07/1998: Promotion in Geography at the Faculty for Geosciences, Freiburg University, Dr. rer nat. in the field of geography
- 01/1994-03/1998: Research Fellow at Institut für Physische Geographie (IPG), Univ. Freiburg; student advisor for geography
- 09/1992-02/1993: State examination thesis at the Department of Geography, Basel University, Switzerland
- 1993: Degree with 1st state examination for high-school teaching, Universit of Freiburg
- 01/1992-05/1992: Stay in Hamilton (New Zealand)
- 06/1988-12/1991: Research assistant at the photo lab of the Institut für Physische Geographie (IPG), Universität Freiburg
- 10/1986-12/1993: Studies of geography and physics at Universität Freiburg, taxi driver
- 08/1984 – 03/1986: Civil service as paramedic, German Red Cross at Wangen im Allgäu, State of Baden-Württemberg
- 1984: High school examination (German 'Abitur'), Schubart-Gymnasium Ulm (Donau)