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Conference contributions
Conference contributions
- Fritz, Sabine; Schneider, C. 2020: „Spatial distribution of ultrafine particle numbers related to road types and land use classes in Berlin-Adlershof“, 12th International Conference on Air Quality. Science & Application 2020, Thessaloniki/virtual, Presentation. In: Moussiopoulos, N, Sokhi, R, Tsegas, G, Fragkou, E, Chourdakis, E, Pipilis, I (eds) 2020, Proceedings of Abstracts 12th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application. University of Hertfordshire, 91, https://doi.org/10.18745/pb.22217.
- Singh, V.; Sokhi, R. S.; Beig, G.; Biswal, A.; Sahu, S. K.; Sandeepan, S.; Stanley, Warren; Momoh, Kester; Fritz, Sabine; Webber, Chris 2020: „Analysis of air quality in the megacity of Delhi with observations and a multiscale coupled modelling system“, 12th International Conference on Air Quality. Science & Application 2020, Thessaloniki/virtual, Presentation. In: Moussiopoulos, N, Sokhi, R, Tsegas, G, Fragkou, E, Chourdakis, E, Pipilis, I (eds) 2020, Proceedings of Abstracts 12th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application. University of Hertfordshire, 91, https://doi.org/10.18745/pb.22217.
- Fritz, Sabine; Dallas, Haley; Schneider, Christoph 2018: „Räumliche Verteilung von Ultrafeinstaub in Abhängigkeit von Straßentypen und Landnutzungsklassen in Berlin-Adlershof“, 37. Jahrestagung des AK Klima, 26.10. - 28.10.2018, Schloss Schney
- Fritz, Sabine; Schneider, Christoph 2018: „Spatial and temporal variability of ultra-fine particles traverse to a main road in Berlin, Germany“, 11th International Conference on Air Quality. Science & Application 2018, 12. - 16.3. 2018, Barcelona, Presentation. In: Sokhi, R, Tiwari, PR, Gállego, MJ, Craviotto Arnau, JM, Castells Guiu, C & Singh, V (eds) 2018, Proceedings of Abstracts 11th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application. University of Hertfordshire, 73, https://doi.org/10.18745/PB.19829.
- Villena, G.; Bailey, R.; Fritz, S.; Holweg, J.; Klemp, D.; Leigh, R.; Peterson, P.; Queck, R.; Schneider, C.; Singh, A.; Wegener, R.; von Schneidemesser, E. 2018: „Implementation of low-cost, small sensors for urban air pollution measurements on stationary and mobile platforms“, 11th International Conference on Air Quality. Science & Application 2018, 12. - 16.3. 2018, Barcelona, Poster. In: Sokhi, R, Tiwari, PR, Gállego, MJ, Craviotto Arnau, JM, Castells Guiu, C & Singh, V (eds) 2018, Proceedings of Abstracts 11th International Conference on Air Quality Science and Application. University of Hertfordshire, 73, https://doi.org/10.18745/PB.19829.
- Fritz, Sabine; Schneider, Christoph 2017: „Variabilität von Aerosolpartikeln quer zu einer Hauptverkehrsstraße“, 36. Jahrestagung des AK Klima, 27.10. - 29.10.2017, Rauischholzhausen
- Fritz, Sabine; Schneider, Christoph 2017: „Ultra-fine particles along transects to main streets“, 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality, Strasbourg, France, Poster
- Fritz, Sabine; Merbitz, Hendrik; Ketzler, Gunnar; Schneider, Christoph 2012: „Kleinräumige Windverhältnisse und Feinstaubverteilung auf dem Bahnhofplatz in Aachen“, 31. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Klima der DGfG, 26.10.- 28.10., Berlin, Poster