Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Geography Department



2021: Invited lecturer, Topic “Biodiversity and transformational change in cities”, ALTER-Net Summer School, Peyresq, France.

2019: Invited lecturer, Topic “Cities and Nature: Common past, common future?”, ALTER-Net Summer School, Peyresq, France.

2019: Invited lecturer, Topic “Citizen Science”, Module “Conservation and Management of Wildlife”, Postgraduate Course in Forest Resources, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

2019: Invited lecturer, Topic "Integration of ecosystem services in spatial planning", Colloquium on “Urban Form and Biodiversity”, Postgraduate Course in Forest Resources, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

2017: Invited lecturer, Module “Readings in Sustainability Science”, Department of Geography, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.

2010-2012: Invited lecturer, practical component of Module “Fundamentals of spatial planning”, Integrated Master in Environmental Engineering, School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.

2012: Invited lecturer, Topic “Monitoring of plans”, Module “Strategic Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Plans”, M.Sc. Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning / Post-Graduate Studies on Sustainable Cities, School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.

2012: Invited lecturer, Topic “The role of indicators for planning and sustainability monitoring”, Module “Environmental Impact Assessment”, Post-Graduate Studies on Sustainable Planning and Construction, Instituto Superior de Engenharia, University of Algarve, Portugal.

2009-2011: Invited lecturer, practical component of Module “Superficial Forms and Processes”, M.Sc. Geomatics, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, Portugal.


Thesis Supervision

Ongoing: Integration of Green and Blue Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services in urban planning. A case study in Halle (Saale), Germany (M.Sc. Thesis, Universität Leipzig).

2019: Green roof effects on environmental challenges in the neighborhood of Karl-Marx-Allee, Berlin (M.Sc. Thesis).

2019: Identifikation und Analyse von institutionellen Barrieren, die den Zugang und die Nutzung städtischer Grünflächen beeinflussen – am Beispiel Berlin (M.Sc. Thesis).

2019: Identifikation und Analyse von institutionellen Barrieren, die die Zugänglichkeit und die Nutzung städtischer Grünflächen beeinflussen – am Beispiel Halle (Saale) (M.Sc. Thesis).

2019: Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services in a Portuguese City: Valuing People's Perception in Local Policy Making (M.Sc. Thesis, Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal).



2014-2019: Tutor, ALTER-Net Summer School (ALTER-Net: A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network), Peyresq, France.