Ongoing Projects
- Faktencheck Artenvielfalt (BMBF)
- HES-GEO (H2020)
Past Projects
- GEOEssential Variables workflows for resource efficiency and environmental management (H2020 ERA-Planet)
- ENABLE – Enabling Green and Blue Infrastructure Potential in Complex Social-Ecological Regions (BiodivERsA)
- LandSense – A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring (H2020)
- GREENSURGE – Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy (FP7)
- SUSTAIN – Assessing sustainability and strengthening operational policy (INTERREG IVC)
- SPICOSA – Science and Policy Integration for COastal Systems Assessment (FP6)
- SIDS Algarve - Sustainable Development Indicator System for the Algarve region