research and teaching
Topics of Interest
- Climatology
- Climate Change
- Urban Ecology
- Air Quality
Areas of Research
- Berlin
- Southwest Europe (Portugal, Spain, France among others)
- South America (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador among others)
- South Asia (Bangladesh)
Research Projects
DFG Graduate Research and Training Programme (RTP) 780 – Perspectives on Urban Ecology (2002 – 2011) with 20 sub-projects, Spokesman: W. Endlicher, with the following sub-projects:
- Health risks through heat-waves in Berlin (Dr. Katharina Gabriel)
- The contribution of the biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) to contamination with PM in urban agglomeration (Dipl.-Landschaftsökol. Sandra Wagener)
BMBF-Announcement "Sustainable arrangement of climate change (KLIMZUG)"
- Sub-project "Heatwaves, fine- and ultrafine particle emissions and their impacts on human health" in collaboration with the Charité Berlin within the consortium "Network of innovation on climate-adaptation region Brandenburg-Berlin (INKA-BB)" (2009-2013) (Dr. Marcel Langner, MSc. Katharina Scherber)
- DFG Priority Programme 1233 Megacities-Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change (2007-2012)
- PM-Filtering by vegetation (Federal Ministry of Traffic, Building and Urban Development; Dr. Marcel Langner)
- Comparative studies of ambient particle concentrations in Warsaw and Berlin (In Cooperation with University of Warsaw
- Studies on climate in European underground railways (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, PD Dr. A. Pflitsch)
Investigations on Berlin's Urban Climate (BERLIKLIM)
- Urban influences on precipitation - terms and causes, a Berlin case study (Dr. Anja Pagenkopf)
- Analisis of surface temperatures of selected building-complexes using a thermal imaging camera (Dr. Nadine Weber)
- DFG joint research project with the University of Stuttgart and the German Meteorological Service (DWD): Buenos Aires Research on Urban Climate and Air Quality (BARUCA), (DFG-En 138/14), Overall direction: W. Endlicher (2006-2009)
- General Climatology
- Regional Climatology
- Environmental Climatology
- Climate Change
- Vegetation Geography
- Physical Geography of Germany
- Regional Geography of South America