- Krämer, R. & Kabisch, N. (2022). Parks Under Stress: Air Temperature Regulation of Urban Green Spaces Under Conditions of Drought and Summer Heat. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 10. 10.3389/fenvs.2022.849965.
- Zabelskyte, G. & Kabisch, N. & Stasiskiene, Z. (2022). Patterns of Urban Green Space Use Applying Social Media Data: A Systematic Literature Review. Land. 11. 238. 10.3390/land11020238.
- Kabisch, N., Krämer, R., Brenck, M., Haase, D., Lausch, A., Luttkus, M., Mueller, T., Remmler, P., Döhren, P., Voigtländer, J. & Bumberger, J. (2021). A methodological framework for the assessment of regulating and recreational ecosystem services in urban parks under heat and drought conditions. Ecosystems and People. 464-475. 10.1080/26395916.2021.1958062.
Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R. , Masztalerz, O., Eichfuss, L., Wörister, D., Dammann, C., Brenck, M., Püffel, C., Hemmerling, J., Rakowski, J., & von Döhren, P. (2021): Junior research group 'GreenEquityHEALTH' - Factsheet III: Multi-method assessment of urban green spaces under global change.
- Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R., Masztalerz, O., Hemmerling, J., Püffel, C., Haase, D. (2021): Impact of summer heat on urban park visitation, perceived health and ecosystem service appreciation. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Vol. 60, 127058, ISSN 1618-8667.
Kraemer, R., Kabisch, N.(2021): Parks in context: advancing citywide spatial quality assessments of urban green spaces using fine-scaled indicators. Ecology and Society 26(2):45.
- Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R., Brenck, M. E., Haase, D., Lausch, A., Luttkus, M. L., Mueller, T., Remmler, P., von Döhren, P., Voigtländer, J. & Bumberger, J. (2021): A methodological framework for the assessment of regulating and recreational ecosystem services in urban parks under heat and drought conditions. Ecosystems and People, 17:1, 464-475, DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2021.1958062.
- Kabisch, N., Püffel, C., Masztalerz, O., Hemmerling, J. & Kraemer, R. (2021): Physiological and psychological effects of visits to different urban green and street enviroments in older people: A field experiment in a dense inner-city area. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 207.
Marselle, M., Hartig, T.,Cox, D., de Bell, S., Knapp, S., Lindley, S., Triguero-Mas, M., Boehning-Gaes,e K., Cook, P., de Vries, S., Heintz-Buschart, A., Hofmann M., Irvine K., Kabisch, N., Kolek, F., Kraemer, R., Markevych, I., Martens, D., Mueller, R., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Potts, J., Stadler, J., Walton, S., Warber, S. L., Bonn, A. (2021): Pathways linking biodiversity to human health: A conceptual framework. EcoEvoRxiv. September 23. doi:10.32942/
Baró, F., Langemeyer, J., Łaszkiewicz, E., Kabisch, N., (2021): Introduction to Special Issue: advancing urban ecosystem service implementation and assessment considering different dimensions of environmental justice. Environmental Science and Policy, 15, 43-46.
Kabisch, N., & Kraemer, R. (2020): Physical activity patterns in two differently characterised urban parks under conditions of summer heat. Environmental Science & Policy, 107, 56–65.; Free access:
Schröter, M., Crouzat, E., Hölting, L., Massenberg, J.R., Rode, J., Hanisch, M., Kabisch, N., Palliwoda, J., Priess, J.A., Seppelt, R., Beckmann, M., (2020): Assumptions in ecosystem service assessments: Increasing transparency for conservation. Ambio.
Kabisch, N., Kraemer, R., (2020): Physical activity patterns in two differently characterised urban parks under conditions of summer heat. Environmental Science and Policy, 107, 56-67. 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.02.008.
Enssle, F., Kabisch, N. (2020): Urban green spaces for social interaction, health and well-being in older people - an integrated view on urban ecosystem services and environmental justice. Environmental Science and Policy, 109, 36-44.
Akmar, N., Hersperger, A., Kabisch, N., Adjei Mensah, C., Wang, X, Douglas, I. (2020): Local governments and urban ecology: planning and practice examples from Europe, Africa and Asia. In: Handbook of Urban Ecology. Roudledge.
- Kabisch N., Mandl, P. (in prep.): Big Spatial Data. In: Bork-Hüffer, T., Füller, H., Straube, T.: Digitale Geographien: Welt – Wissen – Werkzeuge. UTB Verlag.
Kabisch, N., Beitrag in Stadtleben und Psyche, vom 11.04.2020:
- Kabisch, N., Alonso, L., Dadvand, P., Van den Bosch, M. (2019): Urban natural environments and motor development in early life. Environmental Research, 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108774.
- Kabisch, N., Haase, D., Haase, A. (2019): Reurbanisation: A long-term process or a short-term stage? Population, Space & Place, DOI: 10.1002/psp.2266.
- Kabisch, N. (2019): Transformation of urban brownfields through co-creation: The multi-functional Lene-Voigt Park in Leipzig as a case in point. Journal of Urban Transformations. Springer, 10.1186/s42854-019-0002-6.
- Kabisch, N. (2019): The association of urban green space and health outcome and the influence of socio-economic and socio-demographic factors. In: Marselle, M., Stadler, J., Korn, H., Irvine, K., Bonn, A. [editors] Biodiversity and Health in the face of climate change. Springer.
- Kabisch, N. (2019): Urban Ecosystem Service Provision and Social-Environmental Justice in the City of Leipzig, Germany. In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C. [editors] Atlas of Ecosystem Services Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses. Springer (in print).
- Kabisch, N., Selsam, P., Kirsten, T., Lausch, A., Bumberger, J. (2019): A multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing approach to detect land cover change dynamics in heterogeneous urban landscapes. Ecological Indicators 99, 273-282.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen Nadja Kabisch
Weitere Veröffentlichungen Roland Krämer