Wolff, Manuel (2019): Enabling an equal accessibility to urban green spaces? An example of multiple barriers from Halle/Germany. Presentation at Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conference 2019; Hannover (21-25.10.2019).
Wolff, Manuel (2019): Taking a systemic view of urban green and blue infrastructure: Exploring the ENABLE project’s approach. Moderation together with Dagmar Haase und André Mascarenhas at ENABLE final conference: Equitable and Resilient Access to the Benefits of Green and Blue Infrastructure conference; Brussels (09.10.2019).
Wolff, Manuel (2018): Enabling green-blue potential in a redensifying city. Presentation at 25th IAPS Conference: Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human wellbeing: cultural, environmental and political challenges; Rome (09-13.07.2018).
Wolff, Manuel (2017): Understanding the role of centralization processes for cities – evidence from a spatial perspective of urban Europe 1990 – 2010. Presentation at 7th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference: A view on cities from elsewhere; Kiev (26-30.09.2017).
Wolff, Manuel; Schumacher, Nina; Leibert, Tim; Haase; Annegret (2016): Deutschlands neue Raummuster? Eine Analyse räumlicher Bevölkerungsentwicklungen und Binnenwanderungsgruppen für deutsche Gemeinden 1990-2014. Presentation at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Demographie Jahrestagung 2016, Leipzig, (09.-11.03.2016).
Rink, Dieter, Wolff, Manuel, Diez, Beatrice (2016): Wohnungsleerstand in Deutschland - Zur Konzeptualisierung der Leerstandsquote als Schlüsselindikator der Wohnungsmarktbeobachtung anhand der GWZ 2011. Presentation at Fachtagung Leerstand der Wüstenrotstiftung, Kaiserslautern (04-05.02.2016).
Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret (2015): Internationaler Städtevergleich – Erfahrungen aus quantitativer und qualitativer Sicht. Presentation at Workshop „Städte vergleichen. Der Vergleich als Analysetool und Praxis der Wissensgenerierung, Institut für Länderkunde (05.-06.11.2015).
Wolff, Manuel (2015): Vom Problem zur Chance? – Ein differenzierter Blick auf das Verhältnis von Mensch und Umwelt in Mitteldeutschland. Presentation at Sommerakademie Kulturstiftung Hohenmölsen 2015Vortragsprogramm, Hohenmölsen (28.-29.09.2015).
Wolff, Manuel (2015): Urban sprawl and shrinkage - spatiotemporal patterns in Europe 1990 - 2010. Presentation at AAG Annual Meeting 2015, Chicago, Illinois (21.-25.04.2015).
Wolff, Manuel (2014): Shrinking Cities in Europe: Spatiotemporal patterns between 1990-2010. Presentation at 54th ERSA Congress, St. Petersburg (26.-29.08.2014).
Wolff, Manuel; Haase, Annegret; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Nadja (2014): The linkages between urban re-growth and land use change – impacts for social and environmental sustainability. Presentation at City Futures III, European Urban Research Association, Paris, (16.-19.06.2014).
Wolff, Manuel (2013): Scenarios 2030 Possible Futures of Shrinking Cities in Europe. Presentation at Final Conference on COST Project Shrinking Cities in Europe, Essen (12.-13.09.2013).
Wolff, Manuel (2013): Mapping urban shrinkage in Europe - The diversity of urban shrinkage patterns. Presentation at Expert meeting on Shrinking Cities, Cities Regrowing Smaller, Bratislava (07.-08.03.2013).
Wolff, Manuel (2012): Problem Solving and Best Practice of operationalizing shrinking cities in Europe. Presentation at Working Group meeting, COST Action TU0803 CIRES, Poznan (21.-24.10.2012).
Wolff, Manuel (2012): Challenges and Problems of operationalizing shrinking cities in Europe. Presentation at Working Group meeting, COST Action TU0803 CIRES, Tartu (02.-04.05.2012).
Wolff, Manuel (2011): Shrinking Cities in France - Towards a definition. Presentation at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2011, London (31.08.-02.09.2011).
Wolff, Manuel (2010): Shrinking Cities in Europe - A quantitative analysis with URBAN AUDIT. Presentation at COST Action TU0803 CIRES 1st Workshop Meeting, Dessau (19.-21.05.2010).
Wolff, Manuel (2019): Diversified urban trajectories and context dependencies. Presentation at sUrBio2050 – Assessing globally important areas for biodiversity preservation and human well-being; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), Leipzig (20.09.2019).
Wolff, Manuel (2019): Barriers to equitable use of urban green spaces - Experience from Halle/Germany. Forum for a greener Stockholm; Stockholm (13.11.2019).
Wolff, Manuel; Leibert, Tim; Großmann, Katrin (2019): The re-shaped role of small-sized cities in Germany after 2010. University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and UMR Géographie-cités, Paris (05.07.2019).
Wolff, Manuel (2017): Vacancies in single family homes: Results from the census 2011 in Germany. 2nd Homes up International Conference on Single-Family Homes under Pressure?, Leibniz-Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden (16.11.2017).
Wolff, Manuel (2017): Modelling trajectories of European cities – from challenges to solutions. Speech at Expert Séminaire sur les approches de la décroissance urbaine, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris (06.06.2017).
Wolff, Manuel (2017): Fostering Resilient Cities: Lessons from urban shrinkage in Germany - An entangled web of conditions, debates and policies. Speech at 3S RECIPE Kick-off Stakeholders’ Board and Full Consortium Meetings, Organised by University of Oxford, Brussels (29. 05.2017).
Wolff, Manuel (2016): From grand challanges to your thesis topic? Speech at University seminar on sustainable development, Charles University, Prague (01.12. 2016).
Wolff, Manuel (2012): Cities Regrowing Smaller (CIRES) Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies in Shrinking Cities across Europe. Speech at Shrinking Cities Networking Workshop, University of Birmingham, Birmingham (11.06.2012).
Wolff, Manuel (2012): Managing demographic change - Transitions in labour markets in Germany. Speech at 8th Annual Meeting of OECD-LEED: partnerships for youth - getting the young into jobs and business for successful working life, Berlin (21.03.2012).
Wiechmann, Thorsten; Wolff, Manuel (2013): Urban Shrinkage in a Spatial Perspective. Operationalization of Shrinking Cities in Europe 1990–2010. Proceedings for AESOP Congress 2013, Dublin (15.-19.07.2013).
Wolff, Manuel; Fol, Sylvie; Roth, Hélène; Cunningham-Sabot, Emmanuèle (2011): Shrinking Cities in France: a marginal process? Proceedings for Conference on: Projet d’article dans le cadre de l’ouvrage: Urbanisation et urbanité en Europe: l’Allemagne aux avant-postes ? Des trajectoires européennes de rétrécissement. Lyon (22-24.03.2011).
Wolff, Manuel (2010): Indicators to measure shrinking cities. Proceedings for 2. Workshop Meeting, Taranto, Italy (7. / 8. October 2010).