Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Didaktik

Call for Vignettes


The submission deadline has expired.

You can access the vignettes here.


All video presentations must be uploaded before 13 January 2021.

Vignettes are video presentations by delegates in English.

Vignettes should:

  • Describe your local teacher-training or classroom conditions that illustrate unique or important points.
  • Provide insight into practice or research in your local teacher-training or classroom settings.
  • Include a discussion of literature, where relevant, as if submitting the vignette for peer-reviewed publication.


Formal requirements:

  • high-definition (1920x1080)
  • MP4 format
  • max. length: 10 minutes
  • Use this template for the first slide
  • Include Title, Author, and Institution/Location
  • Include references and citations, and acknowledgement of sources for any additional media inserted in the videos.


Each vignette should be accompanied with a text file containing the following information

  • Author, and Institution/Location
  • Contact Email
  • An abstract (up to 300 words)
  • A transcript, including references and citations


Before uploading

You can upload multiple files

Please use the following naming convention: lastname-firstname-title

For example:

  • Doe-Jane-ESD in elementary schools.mp4
  • Mustermann-Max-transcript.docx


The submission deadline has expired.

You can access the vignettes here.








a cooperation between


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