Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Didaktik

E-symposium focus


This e-symposium addresses the negotiations between subject-specific knowledge and cross-curricular adjectival education, such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Drawing upon current debates in Geography Education around powerful (disciplinary) knowledge and adjectival educations, particularly ESD, the e-symposium puts teacher training into the spotlight and explores how future Geography teachers can be best equipped with knowledge to organize deep geographical learning based on expert knowledge with strong cross-curricular components.

Research in Geography Education has explored, over the last decade, various aspects of ESD (Chang & Kidman, 2018). Both the Lucerne Declaration on Geographical Education for Sustainable Development (Haubrich et al., 2007) and the revised International Charter in Geographical Education (IGU-CGE, 2016) stress the role of Geography in ESD. Still, studies showed that most subjects, including Geography, implement ESD as an add-on element (Bagoly-Simó, 2013; Bagoly-Simó, 2014) that remains detached from subject-specific knowledge.
Climate change as an (inter)generational global conflict has moved masses of mostly young adults across the world. Protests, such as Fridays for Future, attracted young people and increased their political engagement, empirical evidence (Bagoly-Simó, 2020) showed that their knowledge of climate and its dynamics is alarmingly limited. According to the interviewed youth, Geography, the subject that claims Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as its own (McKeown, 2007), had very limited impact on their knowledge. In contrast, parents and mass media were high on their list of information sources.


Getting involved


Symposium delegates will have the opportunity to watch presentations in advance, and take part in interactive online sessions on 5 December 2020 and 23 January 2021.

After registration, delegates will be invited to view pre-recorded short online keynotes on powerful (disciplinary) knowledge, ESD, and teacher training.

The introductory keynotes form the framework for delegates to design and submit video vignettes exploring various aspects between geographical knowledge and ESD (deadline 13 January 2021). We welcome both theoretical and empirical vignettes focusing on local, regional, national, and international case studies across academia and practice.

Accepted vignettes will remain available online, and the organizers plan to additionally document the e-symposium in a journal special issue.

This Symposium is open to all with an interest in teacher training in Geography Education.

Symposium highlights:

  • meet up with educators from different countries
  • discuss how powerful knowledge can be developed for better ESD in teacher training
  • contribute your experiences
  • build research collaborations


We look forward to seeing you online!






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