Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Landscape Ecology

Waldhygienische Anpassungsstrategien für das steigende Potential von Schadorganismen in vulnerablen Regionen unter Berücksichtigung von Klimawandel und zunehmenden Restriktionen


Waldhygienische Anpassungsstrategien für das steigende Potential von Schadorganismen in vulnerablen Regionen unter Berücksichtigung von Klimawandel und zunehmenden Restriktionen (WAHYKLAS) is a three-year research project, starting in 2014 and ending in June 2017.

WAHYKLAS is a joint project of various federal and research institutions, including the Northwest German Forest Research Station in Göttingen, the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry in Freising, the Eberswalde forestry state center of excellence, the Institute of Forest Sciences of the University of Freiburg, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology of the University of Göttingen and the Landscape Ecology Lab of the Geography Department of Humboldt University Berlin.

Subproject 12, under the responsibility of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Landscape Ecology Lab of the Geography Department of Humboldt University, investigates potential conflicts arising from the expectations of (recreational) forest users and forestal activities. In particular, ecosystem services provided in urban areas and the recreational potential of forests shall be elicited using empirical research methods.