Open Markets in Ghana and Covid-19 interventions
Research project on the implications of COVID-19 interventions on Markets in Accra and Kumasi (together with Lewis Abedi Asante, Technical University of Kumasi). DFG Focus Program, FU 1098/2-1
Selected Results and Policy Recommendations
Policy Brief (English, pdf)
Policy Brief - GA (translated Version: GA)
Policy Brief - TWI (translated Version: TWI)
- Markets in Western Africa notoriously a conflictive target of redevelopment and urban renewal (Asante, 2020; Asante and Helbrecht, 2020b)
- Importance of current Markets for income, general livelihood and several social functions especially for urban poor (Boateng & Korang-Okrah 2013, Scheiterle & Birner 2020).
- First response to Covid-19 in Ghana singled out infection control measures at Open Markets -> adding to existing tensions (Asante and Helbrecht, 2020c)
Qualitative Interviews in two cities (Accra and Kumasi) and on three markets.
Expert interviews with municipal authorities, market leaders, trader associations
Focus group discussions with different stakeholders
Project Goals
- Understanding relational qualities of Markets: What are necessary functions of the market that became visible via the Covid-rupture?
- Taking into account lasting impact of interventions: Focus on informalized stakeholders (head porters [Kayayei], petty traders, internal migrants)
- Policy recommendations: Policy White Paper on participants view on effective and less harmful infection control interventions