Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Sustainability Science

Alexander von Humboldt Chair in Sustainability Science

The "Alexander von Humboldt Chair in Sustainability Science", held by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lucht, is a joint appointment (S-W3) of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). It exists since April 1, 2009 and is conncted with the position of a co-chair of PIK's Research Domain "Earth System Analysis". Teaching and Research address Earth with its human societies as a complex, dynamically coupled system, particularly regarding development paths to more sustainability.

Research Foci
  • Sustainability Science
  • Climate Impact Research
  • Earth System Analysis
  • Biosphere Transformation
  • Earth System Modelling
  • Regional Focus: global  scale


The web pages of Prof. Wolfgang Lucht at PIK with additional information can be found here:
