Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Geography Department

Short Profile of the Geography Department


There are 9 professorships at the Geography Department: four focus on Physical Geography (Climate and Vegetation Geography; Geomorphology, Soil and Quarternary Geography; Landscape Ecology and Biogeography), three on Human Geography (Economic Geography, Cultural Geography and Applied Geography), two on Geomatics (Remote Sensing) and Geography Teaching. The department’s profile is complemented by special professorships in Hydrology, Transport Geography, Geovisualisation and Climate Systems and junior professorships in Geomatics and Climate Change.


Research at the Geography Department is especially focused on metropolitan areas and on land-use systems. Metropolitan studies reflect our close ties to the department’s location in Berlin. The wealth of research projects spans from urban cultures to urban ecology. Land-use systems studies are dedicated to better understanding complex human-environment systems. With these, we contribute substantially to the scientific discussions on sustainability, global change and globalisation.

For more information concerning teaching and research, see this leaflet.